
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lions, Lyings, and Lines

I've noticed several people taking pictures and posting blogs that include two lions designed by Nilssen at  < THAT >. There is just simply something very majestic, proud and awe inspiring about lions. They just have a way of intimidating without even trying.

Did you know that male lions live a relatively short lives, as they are constantly under the threat of pride takeover by younger, stronger males. The females will mate with the new males that succeed in taking over a pride. Usually there are more than one male within a pride and several females. Any male may mate with any female. It is first come first served. Since the males are often brothers, it does not matter that much which male does most of the mating since their genes will be passed along. The male lions that have lost control of a pride may die of the injuries or starvation. Males of course may woo females from neighboring prides, but of course that is seldom successful because of the presence of rival males.

So I had to get myself a pair of these lions so I could look all cool and important. It’s funny how my plans never seem to turn out like I see them in my head. As you can see I had a rough go of it trying to tame these beasts. It must have been when I went to pet the female that the male decided I’d look better on my back under his paws.

The same thing can be said of relationships in SL and in RL. We all know that people have a knack for telling us what we want to hear and just as bad, we often times hear what we want to hear. There is no sure fire plan for avoiding this if you want to be with people. 
You can learn from your mistakes or those of those around you but the simple fact is love and relationships are risky. But if you value interpersonal closeness then you must take the chance at some point. My only advice is that early on in your relationship you must establish lines. You must have both lines of communication and lines of limitations. Take the time to develop friendships and you will always have a full heart.


  1. Very well said Dustin. I enjoyed reading this slice of your personality and thoughts..Excellent!

  2. I couldn't have said it better, Dusty... wonderful post and great info on lions....
